May 2019

Cannabadger is back online with a new post: Letter to the Editor: Gary Storck - Fitzgerald is ignoring the will of the majority on medical marijuana

Editor's Note: Due to issues beyond our control, Cannabadger was offline for a stretch over the last few weeks. The last new article until this one was posted April 20. Thanks to the help of a good friend we were able to get back online and are now working to restore all 300+ articles published since our original launch date in March 2015. You will also notice the relaunched has a new look. We loved the old site and love the new one and are glad to be back covering the intersection of Cannabis and Wisconsin.

Illinois House passes cannabis legalization bill, sends it to Gov. Pritzker for signing.

The Illinois House voted 66-47 after more than three hours of debate today to approve legalizing adult use cannabis. The Illinois Senate on Wednesday cleared the measure. And Gov. J. B. Pritzker says he will sign it. Here's a report from the Chicago Sun-Times: