Sen. Scott Fitzgerald


Robin Vos says medical cannabis should only be available in pill form

October 29, 2019 - In an interview with Channel3000, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said he will not support a bill allowing patients to cultivate medical cannabis, "It shouldn't be smoked. It should be taken in pill form. It shouldn't even be edible so a child could get at it." Asked what conditions his plan would cover, Vos cited terminal cancer, Crohn's disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and other diagnoses that involve...


47 years as a medical cannabis patient Oct. 3

October 3, 2019 - Today, Wednesday, October 3, 2019 is a special date for me, marking the 47th "cannaversary" of the first time I smoked cannabis before visiting my ophthalmologist for a glaucoma checkup and discovering cannabis had the potential to save my sight from a lifetime of glaucoma. October 3, 1972 was a pleasant early fall day. The weather history says the high for the day was 63 with southerly winds...


Cannabadger is back online with a new post: Letter to the Editor: Gary Storck - Fitzgerald is ignoring the will of the majority on medical marijuana

May 31, 2019 - Editor's Note: Due to issues beyond our control, Cannabadger was offline for a stretch over the last few weeks. The last new article until this one was posted April 20. Thanks to the help of a good friend we were able to get back online and are now working to restore all 300+ articles published since our original launch date in March 2015. You will also notice the relaunched has a new...


Cannabis advisory referendum trounced Scott Fitzgerald in Dane County wards 62-38% in Nov. 2018 election

April 20, 2019 - Cannabadger recently took a look at the in the 13 wards where Senate GOP Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald's senate district and a portion of eastern Dane County overlap and found that yes votes on Dane County's marijuana advisory referendum exceeded votes for Fitzgerald by a nearly 62/38% margin in those wards. The 13 wards offer a glimpse of how the vote would likely have gone had the...

Breaking News

Major state media outlets focus on Wisconsin medical cannabis patients and hopes for passage

April 9, 2019 - On Sunday April 7, two long articles about medical cannabis legalization in Wisconsin were published, the first in the Wisconsin State Journal, the second a project of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism (WCIJ) that appeared in media all over the state starting including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,, Wisconsin Law Journal, US News & World Report, Channel3000,...


Timeline: Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos on Marijuana

January 23, 2019 - UPDATED: 02/21/2019 8:55:59 PM As we did with former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Cannabadger has assembled the following comprehensive timeline of comments made about cannabis by Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), beginning Monday, April 13, 2015, with the most recent addition to the timeline on top. The timeline currently includes eleven statements, two of which are video,...


Senator Patrick Testin appointed chair of Wisconsin Senate Health Committee

December 17, 2018 - Wisconsin Senate Republican Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald has announced state senate committee chairmanships for the upcoming 2019-2020 legislative session. In a move that could be a game-changer, Fitzgerald appointed Sen. Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point) to chair the Senate Health Committee, a position long held by Sen. Leah Vukmir, who gave up her state senate seat in a losing bid for the U....


Republican legislative gerrymandering may blunt Wisconsin voters support of cannabis legalization

November 27, 2018 - In less than six weeks, on Jan. 7, 2019, Gov. Scott Walker will leave office and Gov.-elect Tony Evers will be sworn in as Wisconsin’s 46th governor, Attorney General-elect Josh Kaul, other state elected officials and lawmakers will be sworn in as well as the new legislative session begins. I have been analyzing results from the Nov. 6 elections, and despite all 18 city and county cannabis...


Wisconsin prepares to vote in state’s most important cannabis-related election

November 4, 2018 - The statewide elections being held Tuesday, Nov. 6 represent Wisconsin’s most important cannabis-related election ever. Not only are cannabis advisory referendums on the ballot in 16 counties and two cities, but there are numerous candidates supporting cannabis legalization up and down the ticket, starting with candidates for governor, attorney general. U.S. senate and other statewide offices all...


Wisconsin State Journal: Gary Storck: Don't 'wait and see' on marijuana

July 30, 2017 - On July 29, 2017, the Wisconsin State Journal published my letter to the editor, "Don't 'wait and see' on marijuana." The letter was also published on their web site titled, "State shouldn't 'wait and see' on marijuana - Gary Storck." Letter to the Editor by Gary Storck as published in WI State Journal Sat. July 29, 2017.
