Wisconsin Legislature

Wisconsin Republicans aren't serious about cannabis legalization

Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: GOP isn't serious about legalizing pot -- Gary Storck

December 30, 2021 - After hearing about this proposal, now numbered Senate Bill 790, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with a proposal that took away local control and undid years and years of efforts to lower local penalties. I labored long over this letter, finally getting it to the point where I felt it was ready for submission to the WSJ. Dear Editor, Current Wisconsin law against cannabis dates to 1972....
Gerrymandering prevents legal pot -- Gary Storck

Wisconsin State Journal: Letter: Gerrymandering prevents legal pot -- Gary Storck

February 10, 2021 - My LTE about Gov. Evers proposal to legalize cannabis via the state budget: https://madison.com/wsj/opinion/letters/gerrymandering-prevents-legal-po... Thanks to Gov. Tony Evers for his commitment to legalizing cannabis in Wisconsin, as reported in Monday's article, "Evers: Legalize and tax it." Evers is unique among Wisconsin's governors in that he is the very first to put the power of his...
Wisconsin Republicans circulating cannabis decriminalization bill

Wisconsin Republicans circulating cannabis decriminalization bill

February 8, 2021 - Senator Kathleen Bernier (R - Chippewa Falls) and Rep. Shae Sortwell (R - Two Rivers) are circulating legislation that would decriminalize small amounts of cannabis. Bernier, now the Senate Majority Caucus Vice-Chair, has been supportive of previous decriminalization proposals in previous sessions, as has Sortwell. The proposal calls for a $100 civil forfeiture for possessing not more than 10...
Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: Pp. 220-221 The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Republican Health Committee chair introduces medical cannabis bill

Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: Pp. 220-221 The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Republican Health Committee chair introduces medical cannabis bill

October 16, 2020 - Thursday, October 16, 2003: Rep. Gregg Underheim (R-Oshkosh), chair of the Assembly Health committee and a former medical cannabis opponent, announces plans to introduce medical cannabis legislation.


Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: July 31, 1979

July 31, 2020 - Covered on Pp 146-148 The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: On July 31, 1979, the Committee on Health and Social Services held a public hearing on 1979 Assembly Bill 279, medical cannabis legislation sponsored by Democratic Reps. David Clarenbach, James R. Lewis, Raymond J. Omernick, Thomas Loftus, Marcia Coggs, Barbara Ulichny and David Travis. I attended the hearing and federal...


Rep. Felzkowski, Senator Bernier Introduce GOP-sponsored Medical Marijuana Bill

December 11, 2019 - Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma) and Sen. Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) released a bill this morning that would create a medical cannabis program in Wisconsin. The bill, long in the drafting process, is the first Republican-sponsored medical marijuana bill introduced into the Wisconsin legislature since 2005. According to the Legislative Reference Bureau analyis of the bill, " Medical marijuana...


My First Medical Marijuana Public Hearing 40 Years Ago Today

July 31, 2019 - Forty years ago today, on July 31, 1979, I attended my first public hearing on cannabis at the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison. The meeting of the Assembly's Committee on Health and Social Services was held in the North Hearing room. There were two bills on the docket, a cannabis decriminalization bill, AB107, along with a medical cannabis bill, AB 279. A couple years earlier, Andy Kane of Wisconsin...


OPINION: U.S. Supreme Court ruling on gerrymandering is setback to cannabis law reform hopes in Wisconsin

June 27, 2019 - The U.S. Supreme Court's (SCOTUS) 5-4 ruling today in two cases that the court has no role in overseeing gerrymandering in states is a big setback to hopes of passing legislation regulating cannabis in Wisconsin. Wisconsin's current legislative maps were drawn after the 2010 census by law firms hired by majority Republicans to create the strongest majorities possible. Currently, Republicans control...


State fiscal estimates reveal potential annual tax revenues from cannabis legalization exceeding $165 million

June 14, 2019 - The Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Executive Budget and Finance has released new fiscal estimates showing that if AB220, sponsored by Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) is enacted, there will be an annual increase in state revenues exceeding $165 million. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2019/related/fe/ab220/ab220_DOR.pdf The department obtained the figures using data from the...


Cannabadger is back online with a new post: Letter to the Editor: Gary Storck - Fitzgerald is ignoring the will of the majority on medical marijuana

May 31, 2019 - Editor's Note: Due to issues beyond our control, Cannabadger was offline for a stretch over the last few weeks. The last new article until this one was posted April 20. Thanks to the help of a good friend we were able to get back online and are now working to restore all 300+ articles published since our original launch date in March 2015. You will also notice the relaunched Cannabadger.com has a new...
