March 2017

Wisconsin hemp bill reveals changing face of cannabis support in legislature

While Wisconsin may seem hopelessly mired in cannabis prohibition, the list of sponsors on new Republican-sponsored bipartisan industrial hemp legislation includes an array of GOP lawmakers cosponsoring cannabis-related legislation for the first time. Other GOP sponsors had previously only signed onto bipartisan GOP CBD oil legislation that recently passed both houses.

Rep. Jesse Kremer (R-Kewaskum) Source: WI Legislature

2017 Session Cannabis Related Bills in WI Legislature so far

UPDATED: 03/24/2017 8:04:47 AM: The 2017-2018 Wisconsin legislative session has seen a lot of legislation introduced for this early in the session, and GOP-sponsored bipartisan CBD legislation SB10/AB49 sponsored by Sen. Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) and Rep. Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa) was the first. This legislation was a priority after failing to pass the Senate last year and has already passed both houses and awaiting the signature of Gov. Scott Walker. Walker’s office told me last week that he plans to sign it within the next two weeks, so we should be hearing more about that soon.

Monona Mayor breaks Council Tie to pass pot ordinance amendment

UPDATED 03/24/2017 8:46:08 AM: After a hearing from the public and debating the merits of amending Monona’s current cannabis ordinance, Monona alders tied 3-3 in voting on the first of several options up for consideration, the so-called Kitslaar Amendment after it’s author, Monona Alder Andrew Kitslaar.

Kitslaar Amendment named after it’s author, Monona Alder Andrew Kitslaar.

Cannabadger two year anniversary March 20

Today marks Cannabadger's second anniversary! It was on March 20, 2015 that I launched with the publication of the first post, "Dane County Wisconsin looking at $10 fines for pot possession."

Two years later, Cannabadger has published 165 posts covering a wide variety of topics at the intersection of Wisconsin and Cannabis. To see the list of all posts published, click the "CONTENTS" link on the top of the page. According to Google Analytics, we are about to reach 1.5 million visits to the site.

Monona alders meet March 20 to hash out pot ordinance language

The campaign to reduce Monona pot fines to $1 plus costs continues Monday, March 20 at the Monona city council meeting, when alders will be debating then voting on the wording of the amended ordinance.

Public support has been critical in moving this issue forward through a long campaign that first started back in 2015. At about the same time, Fitchburg officials quietly lowered their pot fine, the highest in the state, to $1 plus costs. Monona chose a different route.

Wisconsin Assembly sets March 7 floor vote on CBD bill

Sen. Van Wanggaard (R-Racine), Senate sponsor of Wisconsin CBD legislation.

The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Rules has scheduled AB49/SB10, CBD oil legislation sponsored by Sen, Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) and Rep. Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa) for a March 7 floor vote.