Gary Storck

Is My Medicine Legal YET Release: 4/20 Wisconsin Medical Cannabis hearing

Cannabadger/Is My Medicine Legal YET statement on 4/20 Wisconsin Medical Cannabis hearing

April 20, 2022 - For immediate release Wednesday, April 20, 2022   IS MY MEDICINE LEGAL YET?: APRIL 20 Medical Marijuana Hearing: Let patients choose what works best for them   IMMLY's director of communications, Gary Storck, a Wisconsin medical cannabis pioneer and longtime advocate who first discovered cannabis could treat his painful glaucoma symptoms 50 years ago this Oct. 3, offers this statement on the medical...
Cannabis Common sense

2022-02-04-Cannabis Common Sense #1109: Paul Stanford interviews Cannabadger's Gary Storck

February 4, 2022 - Portland Oregon cannabis legend Paul Stanford interviewed me for his longrunning Portland OR cable tv/online weekly program "Cannabis Common Sense" and the interview premiered Friday, Feb. 4, 2022 at 10pm Central Time. This is the second time I've been on his show. I appeared live in person several years ago while visiting Portland. The show has been pre-recorded for awhile due to the pandemic but...
A long-time advocate says the latest medical marijuana bill being offered by Republican legislators falls far short of what people need to access the drug. Gary Storck of Madison heads the group Is My Medicine Legal Yet?  “Some ability to grow your own me

Wisconsin Radio Network: Advocate and Democrats critical of latest Republican medical marijuana bill

February 2, 2022 - There has been a fair amount of media coverage regarding the recently announced Medical Cannabis Light proposal introduced by Sen. Mary Felzkowski and other Republicans here in the waning days of the 2021-2022 legislative session. Wisconsin Radio Network's Bob Hague wrote a report for Wisconsin Radio Network published January 31, 2022 that included comments I'd made in an interview a few days...
Firty Years a Medical Marijuana Patient in Wisconsin

Fifty years a medical cannabis patient in 2022

January 12, 2022 - This Oct. 3, I'll be marking 50 years as a medical cannabis patient in America, and as a Wisconsin resident, that has meant a half century on the front lines of the war on drugs. It was on Oct. 3, 1972. I was a 17-year old high school senior born with glaucoma. For 17 years I suffered eye pain and sensitivity and vision loss. Even after diagnosis as a small child, conventional medications were not...
Wisconsin Republicans aren't serious about cannabis legalization

Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: GOP isn't serious about legalizing pot -- Gary Storck

December 30, 2021 - After hearing about this proposal, now numbered Senate Bill 790, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with a proposal that took away local control and undid years and years of efforts to lower local penalties. I labored long over this letter, finally getting it to the point where I felt it was ready for submission to the WSJ. Dear Editor, Current Wisconsin law against cannabis dates to 1972....
Wisconsin wants medical marijuana -- Gary Storck

Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: Wisconsin wants medical marijuana -- Gary Storck

September 24, 2021 - Wisconsin wants medical marijuana -- Gary Storck Sep 24, 2021 I was born with glaucoma, and it stole much of my sight when I was still very young. I'd read news articles about federal studies at UCLA that found marijuana could treat glaucoma. So on Oct. 3, 1972, I decided to start my own single subject study of cannabis for glaucoma by medicating before a glaucoma checkup. My eye doctor, who had...


Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: 1969 pot bill was simple solution -- Gary Storck

August 10, 2021 - Published Jul 23, 2021 1969 pot bill was simple solution -- Gary Storck   It was great to learn that Wisconsin's 12 Democratic senators voted to support cannabis legalization in the budget. Unfortunately, Wisconsin remains mired in cannabis prohibition because the Legislature's majority party seems to see it as a culture issue rather than a failed policy most states are abandoning. But while...


Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: Page 229: The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: 35th Annual Marijuana Harvest Fest

October 1, 2020 - Saturday-Sunday, October 1-2, 2005: Harvest Fest 35 is marked by very pleasant, summery temperatures. Speakers include three prominent California cannabis activists and the founder of NORML.
Marijuana Arrests in 2019 Hit Lowest Point Since 1997
Breaking News

Rise & Fall of Cannabis Prohibition cited in Shepherd Express article on Wisconsin cannabis arrests

May 7, 2020 - On May 5, the Shepherd Express published an article by Jean-Gabriel Fernandez, "Marijuana Arrests in 2019 Hit Lowest Point Since 1997." Fernandez earlier published a review of my book, The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin in the February 4 edition of the Shepherd Express. Using the recently released Wisconsin Dept. of Justice's 2019 cannabis arrest figures and data from the book,...

Wisonsin State Journal: Sheriff is tough on pot, easy on virus -- Gary Storck

April 30, 2020 - The Wisconsin State Journal published my letter to the editor, Sheriff is tough on pot, easy on virus, online on April 26, 2020. It appeared in the print edition on Monday, April 27, 2020. Letter as it appeared in the print edirion:    
