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Cannabadger.com - The Intersection of Cannabis and Wisconsin since 2016November 25, 2021 - When I created this site back in March 2016, my goal was to create a news site that was the intersection of cannabis and Wisconsin, and although I've had to take it easy due to health issues the last few years, I think my coverage in those first few years through 2018-2019 met that goal. I asked a friend to make me some graphics illustrating this concept in May 2015, and chose the one pictured,... |
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Bipartisan proposal to decriminalize up to 28 grams of cannabis introduced Thursday, Nov. 16, 2021 at WI CapitolNovember 16, 2021 - A statewide bipartisan cannabis decriminalization bill was announced today at the State Capitol. Downside is if adopted, which I see as unlikely, it would standardize fines for up to 28 grams statewide, meaning that high-population locales like Dane County, Milwaukee County and other places that have adopted low or nominal penalties would have to charge at the state level with higher penalties.... |
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Medical cannabis & gerrymandering in WPR's 'Mapped Out' podcast seriesOctober 27, 2021 - Wisconsin Public Radio's 'Mapped Out' podcast series from Bridgit Bowden and Shawn Johnson has been looking at legislative and gerrymandering in Wisconsin: "WPR’s award-winning reporters Shawn Johnson and Bridget Bowden conducted dozens of interviews, pored over hundreds of court records, and reviewed hours of archived audio from hearings, speeches and protests to bring you the new podcast series... |
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Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: Wisconsin wants medical marijuana -- Gary StorckSeptember 24, 2021 - Wisconsin wants medical marijuana -- Gary Storck Sep 24, 2021 I was born with glaucoma, and it stole much of my sight when I was still very young. I'd read news articles about federal studies at UCLA that found marijuana could treat glaucoma. So on Oct. 3, 1972, I decided to start my own single subject study of cannabis for glaucoma by medicating before a glaucoma checkup. My eye doctor, who had... |
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Wisconsin State Journal: PUB LTE: 1969 pot bill was simple solution -- Gary StorckAugust 10, 2021 - Published Jul 23, 2021 1969 pot bill was simple solution -- Gary Storck It was great to learn that Wisconsin's 12 Democratic senators voted to support cannabis legalization in the budget. Unfortunately, Wisconsin remains mired in cannabis prohibition because the Legislature's majority party seems to see it as a culture issue rather than a failed policy most states are abandoning. But while... |
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Wisconsin State Journal: Letter: Gerrymandering prevents legal pot -- Gary StorckFebruary 10, 2021 - My LTE about Gov. Evers proposal to legalize cannabis via the state budget: https://madison.com/wsj/opinion/letters/gerrymandering-prevents-legal-po... Thanks to Gov. Tony Evers for his commitment to legalizing cannabis in Wisconsin, as reported in Monday's article, "Evers: Legalize and tax it." Evers is unique among Wisconsin's governors in that he is the very first to put the power of his... |
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Wisconsin Republicans circulating cannabis decriminalization billFebruary 8, 2021 - Senator Kathleen Bernier (R - Chippewa Falls) and Rep. Shae Sortwell (R - Two Rivers) are circulating legislation that would decriminalize small amounts of cannabis. Bernier, now the Senate Majority Caucus Vice-Chair, has been supportive of previous decriminalization proposals in previous sessions, as has Sortwell. The proposal calls for a $100 civil forfeiture for possessing not more than 10... |
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Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers includes adult-use cannabis legalization in 2021-2023 state budgetFebruary 7, 2021 - Here is the press release from Gov. Tony Evers: State of Wisconsin sent this bulletin at 02/07/2021 07:30 AM CST Office of Governor Tony EversFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 7, 2021Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Gov. Evers Proposes Legalizing Marijuana, Investing Portion of Revenue in Equity Initiatives and Rural Schools Governor’s proposal regulates and taxes marijuana much like alcohol,... |
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Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: Page 224: The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Sauk County cannabis case dismissed with California doctor recommendationDecember 13, 2020 - Compared to 2020, cannabis was much less tolerated around Wisconsin in 2004 than today, where local ordinances frequently place a low priority on possession of small amounts. Few patients were willing to advocate for medical cannabis out of fear of legal consequences. In Dec. 2004, a Sauk County judge dismissed cannabis possession charges against Cheryl Lam, a Wisconsin woman who had spent some... |
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Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Dec. 10, 1976: Page 136: Direct legislation in Whitewater and Mayville:December 10, 2020 - The last few attempts to put local cannabis ordinances to a vote in WI in Oshkosh and Racine in the late 20-teens were shot down by restrictive interpretations of state law regarding binding referendums by local clerks. Things were different in the 1970s, when a number of Wisconsin cities including Madison, Whitewater and Mayville had binding referendums before voters. Passed in April 1977, only... |