advisory referendums

Wisonsin State Journal: Sheriff is tough on pot, easy on virus -- Gary Storck

April 30, 2020 - The Wisconsin State Journal published my letter to the editor, Sheriff is tough on pot, easy on virus, online on April 26, 2020. It appeared in the print edition on Monday, April 27, 2020. Letter as it appeared in the print edirion:    


Cannabis advisory referendum trounced Scott Fitzgerald in Dane County wards 62-38% in Nov. 2018 election

April 20, 2019 - Cannabadger recently took a look at the in the 13 wards where Senate GOP Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald's senate district and a portion of eastern Dane County overlap and found that yes votes on Dane County's marijuana advisory referendum exceeded votes for Fitzgerald by a nearly 62/38% margin in those wards. The 13 wards offer a glimpse of how the vote would likely have gone had the...

Breaking News

New Marquette Law School Poll finds 59% of Wisconsin voters favor cannabis legalization

April 10, 2019 - A new Marquette Law School Poll released Wednesday, April 10, found 59% of Wisconsin voters say marijuana use should be legal, with 36% saying it should not. 83% say medical cannabis with a doctor’s prescription should be legal, with only 12% saying no. A previous Marquette Law School poll released January 24, 2019, found 59% said yes when asked, “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made...

Breaking News

Major state media outlets focus on Wisconsin medical cannabis patients and hopes for passage

April 9, 2019 - On Sunday April 7, two long articles about medical cannabis legalization in Wisconsin were published, the first in the Wisconsin State Journal, the second a project of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism (WCIJ) that appeared in media all over the state starting including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,, Wisconsin Law Journal, US News & World Report, Channel3000,...


Wisconsin County, City and Village to hold Cannabis Advisory referendums April 2

March 28, 2019 - In addition to a statewide Wisconsin Supreme Court election, and assorted city and county elections, three Wisconsin localities will find cannabis advisory referendums on their ballots in the upcoming Spring 2019 election on April 2; Wood County, the City of Sturgeon Bay and the Door County village of Egg Harbor. Wood County supervisors approved two referendum questions in a 10-7 vote on Jan. 15....


Timeline: Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos on Marijuana

January 23, 2019 - UPDATED: 02/21/2019 8:55:59 PM As we did with former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Cannabadger has assembled the following comprehensive timeline of comments made about cannabis by Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), beginning Monday, April 13, 2015, with the most recent addition to the timeline on top. The timeline currently includes eleven statements, two of which are video,...


Wood County Board approves April 2019 Cannabis Advisory Referendums

January 15, 2019 - This morning, after much discussion and debate, Wood County supervisors approved a proposal by Sup. Jake Hahn to place two cannabis advisory referendums on county ballots for Spring Election on April 2, 2019. The vote was 10-7 in favor. The first proposed referendum asks voters, “Should marijuana be legal for adults 21 years of and over, for recreational and medical use, which will be taxed and...


Wood County Board to vote on April 2019 Cannabis Advisory Referendum Jan. 15

January 10, 2019 - On Jan. 4th, the Judicial & Legislative committee of the Wood County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to put two cannabis advisory referendums on the April 2, 2019 Spring Election ballot by a 4-1 vote. Cannabis Advisory Referendum vote by the Judicial & Legislative committee of the Wood County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 4, 2019. Source; Committee minutes The resolution was...


Cannabadger 2018 Top Ten Wisconsin Cannabis Stories

December 30, 2018 - 2018 was an amazing year for moving Wisconsin closer to cannabis legalization. Never before has the state seen the level of support for legalization of cannabis for both medical and adult use as 2018. Not only did the Marquette Law School Poll find their highest level of support for legalizing cannabis like alcohol with 61% saying they approve, an unprecedented 16 counties and 2 cities placed...


Wisconsinites say regulate cannabis like alcohol – Here’s what that should mean

December 4, 2018 - The most recent Marquette Law School poll from Aug. 2018 found that 61% of Wisconsinites want to see cannabis regulated like alcohol. Both Dane and Rock county’s Nov. 6 cannabis advisory referendums asked voters if cannabis should be regulated like alcohol. Combined more than a quarter of million voters (268,257) in Dane and Rock counties agreed, with 69% in favor in Rock County and 76% in Dane....
