pot arrests
Decriminalization |
New figures from WI DOJ show state pot possession arrests dipped 2% in 2018July 25, 2019 - According to updated figures released April 29, 2019 by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ), Wisconsin marijuana possession arrests in 2018 increased 2% from 2017 from 17,048 to 17,392 , while state marijuana sales arrests dipped 2% from 1,867 to 1,822. Previously, DOJ data from 2017 revealed that arrests for possession of marijuana increased from 16,245 to 17,022 from 2016 to 2017, an increase... |
Legalization |
Wisconsin cannabis possession arrests surged 5% from 2016 to 2017July 3, 2018 - New data from 2017 from the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) reveals that arrests for possession of marijuana in Wisconsin increased from 16,245 to 17,022 from 2016 to 2017, an increase of 5%. From 2015 to 2016, pot arrests had gone up almost 9%, from 14,930 to 16,245. Together those increases represent a 14% increase in state pot arrests from 2015 to 2017. Arrests for sales of cannabis also... |
Elections |
Cannabis legalization advisory referendum update: Rock County approves, other counties moving forwardJune 29, 2018 - On Thursday, June 28, the Rock County Board voted 14-12 to place a cannabis legalization advisory referendum on Nov. 6 Rock County general election ballots. The Rock County question will read: "Should cannabis be legalized for adult use, taxed and regulated like alcohol, with the proceeds from the taxes used for education, healthcare and infrastructure?" On Monday, June 18, 2018, the St. Croix... |
Decriminalization |
West Milwaukee, Middleton and Racine pot petition drive updatesJune 23, 2017 - Below are updates on pot fine reduction campaigns Cannabadger has been following in West Milwaukee, Middleton and Racine: West Milwaukee: Eric Marsch of SE WI NORML reports the Village of West Milwaukee clerk advised him the group’s petition for direct legislation to reduce fines for possession of cannabis has been submitted to the Village Council to act on as of June 22. According to Wisconsin... |
Legalization |
Pot Could Solve Many Problems: Gary Storck: Wisconsin State JournalJune 11, 2017 - Here’s a letter I wrote responding to the recent introduction of state cannabis decriminalization legislation. The letter was published in the print edition of the Saturday, June 10, 2017 Wisconsin State Journal and on their website. As I note in the letter, while decriminalization beats Wisconsin’s current harsh pot laws, many other states are moving forward on legalization while we wait. Gary... |
Decriminalization |
History made as bipartisan Wisconsin pot decriminalization bill rolled outMay 31, 2017 - History was made May 30 with a Capitol press conference announcing the introduction of bipartisan statewide decriminalization legislation. The bill, LRB-1507/1, is sponsored by Rep. Adam Jarchow (R-Balsam Lake), along with Reps. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee), Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milwaukee) and Sen. Fred Risser (D-Madison). The bill is historical not only in that it is Rep. Jarchow's first time sponsoring... |