marijuana policy


NORML rates all U.S. governors on pot and Scott Walker gets a ‘D’

October 28, 2016 - With elections just a little over a week away, the good folks at the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) just released their first-ever “US Governors Scorecard.” NORML has assigned a letter grade ‘A’ through ‘F’ to every state governor based upon his or her comments and voting records specific to matters of marijuana policy. Wisconsin’s Gov. Scott Walker, who is not up...


New Marquette Poll finds 59% support legal pot

July 15, 2016 - On June 18, 2016, the Wisconsin State Journal published a letter I wrote, “Marquette poll should ask people about pot.” I tweeted the link to Prof. Charles Franklin, head of the Marquette Law School Poll. Whether it was coincidence or “Ask and you shall receive,” a new Marquette poll was released July 13 that for the first time in 22 months included questions about cannabis. The poll found that...