Wisconsin Capitol
Medical |
Sen. Mary Felzkowski sets 4/20 public hearing on medical cannabis billApril 12, 2022 - State Sen. Mary Felzokowski has scheduled a public hearing on her medical cannabis legislation for Wed. April 20, 2022 (Republicans set marijuana legalization hearing for April 20). While the legislature has adjourned for the 2021-2022 session, the hearing, which is being held in the Capitol's largest hearing room, should provide some interesting insight on the state of medical cannabis activism in... |
History |
Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History from "The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin": First Annual Marijuana Harvest Festival and Smoke-InSeptember 25, 2020 - The Covid-19 pandemic means Madison's annual Harvest Fest will be another one of numerous annual events that will not be held this year. But the 50 year duration of the longest-running cannabis rally in the U.S. is a true testament to the determination of successive generations of Wisconsinites who support cannabis law reform. My book, published Nov. 2019, The Rise and Fall of Cannabis... |
Medical |
Sept. 11-18 marks 20th anniversary of 1997 Wisconsin Journey For JusticeSeptember 12, 2017 - The 1997 Wisconsin Journey for Justice was a pivotal event in medical cannabis advocacy both for Wisconsin and myself personally. Sept. 11-18, 2017 is the 20th anniversary of the week Wisconsin medical cannabis pioneer Jacki Rickert, joined by 15 medical cannabis patients along with supporters, departed her home in Mondovi to undertake a week long wheelchair Journey for Justice ending at the... |