Marquette Law School Poll
![]() Breaking News |
New Marquette Law School Poll finds 59% of Wisconsin voters favor cannabis legalizationApril 10, 2019 - A new Marquette Law School Poll released Wednesday, April 10, found 59% of Wisconsin voters say marijuana use should be legal, with 36% saying it should not. 83% say medical cannabis with a doctor’s prescription should be legal, with only 12% saying no. A previous Marquette Law School poll released January 24, 2019, found 59% said yes when asked, “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made... |
![]() Politics |
New Marquette Law school Poll finds 59% support for cannabis legalization in WisconsinJanuary 24, 2019 - A new Marquette Law School poll released today finds 59% answering yes to the question, “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal, or not?” 35% said no. In the previous poll, released August 22, 2018, 61% said marijuana should be fully legalized and regulated like alcohol with 36% opposed. The same question asked in the poll released in July 2016, which found 59% support. and 39%... |
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Wisconsinites say regulate cannabis like alcohol – Here’s what that should meanDecember 4, 2018 - The most recent Marquette Law School poll from Aug. 2018 found that 61% of Wisconsinites want to see cannabis regulated like alcohol. Both Dane and Rock county’s Nov. 6 cannabis advisory referendums asked voters if cannabis should be regulated like alcohol. Combined more than a quarter of million voters (268,257) in Dane and Rock counties agreed, with 69% in favor in Rock County and 76% in Dane.... |
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New Marquette Law school Poll finds 61% support for cannabis legalization in WisconsinAugust 22, 2018 - A new Marquette Law School poll released today finds 61% support for regulating cannabis like alcohol in Wisconsin. The last time the poll asked the question in July 2016, the figure was 59% support. Marijuana legalization Sixty-one percent say marijuana should be fully legalized and regulated like alcohol while 36 percent oppose legalization. When previously asked in July 2016, 59 percent... |
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OPED: Cannabis Legalization: Not if but howMay 19, 2018 - In Nov. 2018, Wisconsin voters will cast ballots for governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state treasurer, all 99 state assembly reps and 16 of 33 state senators, along with federal offices including all 8 congressional reps and a U.S. senate seat. Efforts are underway in Milwaukee County to place a cannabis legalization advisory referendum on county ballots. The huge field of Democrats... |
![]() Politics |
Wisconsin anti-cannabis zealot Leah Vukmir announces US Senate runSeptember 7, 2017 - UPDATED: News reports indicate State Sen. Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa) has announced plans to run for the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) in 2018. As a longtime Wisconsin medical cannabis patient-advocate, I've closely followed the career of Sen. Vukmir, who has made a name for herself as Wisconsin's leading elected cannabis opponent. At the 2009 combined health... |
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Pot Could Solve Many Problems: Gary Storck: Wisconsin State JournalJune 11, 2017 - Here’s a letter I wrote responding to the recent introduction of state cannabis decriminalization legislation. The letter was published in the print edition of the Saturday, June 10, 2017 Wisconsin State Journal and on their website. As I note in the letter, while decriminalization beats Wisconsin’s current harsh pot laws, many other states are moving forward on legalization while we wait. Gary... |
![]() History |
2016 Cannabadger Wisconsin Year in Cannabis ReviewDecember 14, 2016 - 2016 marked another difficult year for cannabis legalization in Wisconsin. With all branches of state government under the control of Republicans who have shown little interest in cannabis for six years and counting, progress at the state level was again stymied. With any forward progress impossible at the state level, cannabis activists once again concentrated on local efforts, with mixed... |
![]() Legalization |
New Marquette Poll finds 59% support legal potJuly 15, 2016 - On June 18, 2016, the Wisconsin State Journal published a letter I wrote, “Marquette poll should ask people about pot.” I tweeted the link to Prof. Charles Franklin, head of the Marquette Law School Poll. Whether it was coincidence or “Ask and you shall receive,” a new Marquette poll was released July 13 that for the first time in 22 months included questions about cannabis. The poll found that... |