
Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Dec. 10, 1976: Page 136: Direct legislation in Whitewater and Mayville:
Direct Legislation

Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History: The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin: Dec. 10, 1976: Page 136: Direct legislation in Whitewater and Mayville:

December 10, 2020 - The last few attempts to put local cannabis ordinances to a vote in WI in Oshkosh and Racine in the late 20-teens were shot down by restrictive interpretations of state law regarding binding referendums by local clerks. Things were different in the 1970s, when a number of Wisconsin cities including Madison, Whitewater and Mayville had binding referendums before voters. Passed in April 1977, only...


Today in Wisconsin Cannabis History from "The Rise and Fall of Cannabis Prohibition in Wisconsin": First Annual Marijuana Harvest Festival and Smoke-In

September 25, 2020 - The Covid-19 pandemic means Madison's annual Harvest Fest will be another one of numerous annual events that will not be held this year. But the 50 year duration of the longest-running cannabis rally in the U.S. is a true testament to the determination of successive generations of Wisconsinites who support cannabis law reform. My book, published Nov. 2019, The Rise and Fall of Cannabis...