Kelda Roys


Southeastern Wisconsin NORML releases survey of Dem gubernatorial candidate's cannabis positions

April 20, 2018 - Just in time for 4/20, Southeastern Wisconsin NORML has released the results of a 12 question survey on cannabis that was sent to each of the Democratic gubernatorial candidates seeking the nomination in the August primary election. Six candidates responded from the large field of Democrats running: former Wisconsin Democracy Campaign head Mike McCabe, former Democratic Party chair Matt Flynn, radio...


Nine Democratic candidates for governor support cannabis legalization at Madison forum

January 29, 2018 - Nine of the 18 Democrats vying for the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin governor appeared at a forum at LaFollette High School in Madison on Sunday, Jan. 28. The event was moderated by Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison), sponsor of 2017 AB482, which would legalize medical and adult use of cannabis in Wisconsin. At around 55 minutes into the hour and a half forum, Rep. Sargent asked the...