Wisconsin Senate Committee passes Industrial Hemp Bill in 9-0 vote

Posted: October 18, 2017 by Gary Storck
Category: Hemp

MADISON: Bipartisan industrial hemp legislation Senate Bill 119 http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2017/related/proposals/sb119 cleared the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Agriculture, Small Business and Tourism on a unanimous 9-0 vote Wednesday morning, per the office of Sen. Patrick Testin, senate lead sponsor. http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2017/committees/senate/1748 SB119 had an October 10 public public hearing with today’s vote coming in executive session. The outcome seemed never in doubt with 7 of the 9 Ag committee members already having sponsored the bill.

On Oct. 17, Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma) offered four amendments to the bill. According to the office of Rep. Dave Considine (D-Baraboo), three of the amendments are the same as those offered by Considine on the bill, with the fourth removing language that prohibits tribal colleges from participating in the hemp program. Here are the four amendments: [1] [2] [3] [4] that were debated by the committee. All four amendments were rejected on party line votes.

At the Oct. 10 public hearing, Assembly sponsor Rep. Jesse Kremer indicated the next step towards passage by the full legislature, an assembly public hearing, will be scheduled shortly.

Record of Committee Proceedings http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2017/related/records/senate/agriculture_... (Added 10/24/2017)