Updated: 09/04/2017 2:01:20 PM (Update at bottom of post) Cannabadger just received a copy of the new review by the Racine City Clerk's office of submitted signatures from the Racine Greens to reduce cannabis fines in the city to $1. The original insufficiency filed Aug. 14 by the clerk's office found the petitions were 195 signature short of the 3,767 required under Wisconsin Statute 9.20 to proceed with a petition for direct legislation. The second review did certify an additional 71 signatures above from first insufficiency, but the new certified total is still 124 light.
I, Janice Johnson-Martin, City Clerk/Treasury Manager in the City of Racine, Racine County, State of Wisconsin do hereby certify that I received five hundred and twenty-two pages (527) containing 5218 signatures for the petition for direct legislation to reduce the forfeiture for public possession of marijuana and to specify that possession of under 25 grams on private property shall not be a violation.
I further certify that, of the five hundred and twenty-two pages (522) for the petition offered for filing containing 5218 signatures, 3643 signatures are hereby certified as correct. The total number of signatures required to proceed with a petition for direct legislation is 3,767. I have certified 3643.
I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Attached please find my reasons for striking the aforementioned signatures.
Executed this 31st day of August, 2017.
Janice Johnson-Martin
Cannabadger reached out by email to Fabi Maldonado, the cannabis campaign organizer and a Green Party candidate for Racine mayor in a upcoming primary in Sept. for reaction. He indicated the Racine Greens are working on a response which should be released by tonight.
Update: 09/01/2017 4:27:33 PM: The Racine Greens have not yet released a response to the Racine Clerk's filing that we are aware of. Cannabadger will update this post when more info is available.
Update: 09/04/2017 2:01:20 PM Racine Green Party co-chairs Fabi Maldonado and Sondra Plunkett posted the following on the Racine Greens Facebook page along with the video below:
Watch the video below to hear the many steps the City took to deny your support and ensure your voices went unheard.
Racine, you showed more support for this legislation than you did for the Aldermen that represent you! (Your Petition Signatures Count: 5,241, Total votes for the Aldermen that represent you: 3,155) Thank you for being a part of this huge effort. We will not stop pushing for this cause because you have taken the step to become a member of this choir of support for the Decriminalization of Marijuana.
For the sake of our families, protecting our children the high risk of imprisonment and for our economic well-being, please don't stop now! Contact your Aldermen and Mayor to express your concern for the refusal to enact Decriminalization of Marijuana in our City.
Make sure that your voices are heard today!! WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED."