Cannabadger has learned the Racine City Clerk's office ruled Aug. 14 that the Racine Greens were short 195 signatures on the petitions filed August 1 by the group. After a 60-day campaign to gather signatures, Racine Greens submitted 5218 signatures on August 1 to put the question of reducing local cannabis possession fines to $1 before city voters, per the state direct legislation law, Wisconsin Statute 9.20.
Certificate of Insufficiency from Racine City Clerk
Accompanying the copy of the notice of insufficiency the clerk's office provided to Cannabadger was a "Receipt of Hand Delivery" acknowledging receipt of the certificate by the Green's Fabi Maldonado on Aug. 14. Maldonado indicated in an email that the petitions were re-submitted to the clerk's office, "We already turned them back in. They made us sign affidavits," he said. Maldonado is also running for Racine mayor in an upcoming six-way primary.
McMenamin confirmed the affidavits were filed in an email today, stating the Clerk's office has not yet responded and they are "currently processing the information."
Cannabadger is following this story and will follow up as soon as we hear more from the Racine clerk's office.