

More Wisconsin counties looking at advisory referendums on pot legalization

June 17, 2018 - UPDATED: 06/18/2018 4:31:25 PM An advisory referendum on legalizing cannabis has already been approved by the Milwaukee County Board and in Dane County, a resolution that would do the same has been introduced with 19 cosponsors and is likely to pass. The next stop for the Dane resolution is the County's Board's Executive Committee meeting on Thursday, June 21 at 5:00pm in City-County Building Room...


Dane County Board to consider cannabis legalization advisory referendum for November ballot

June 7, 2018 - UPDATED: 06/09/2018 7:49:17 AM: Dane County District 6 Supervisor Yogesh Chawla introduced county board resolution # 2018 RES-064, which would place to an advisory referendum on cannabis legalization before Dane County voters in the Nov. 6 general election, during the County Board's Thursday June 7 meeting . Res-064 has 19 sponsors: Yogesh Chawla, Jeff Pertl, Tanya Buckingham, Kelly Danner, Patrick...


Full Milwaukee County Board OKs cannabis legalization advisory referendum for November ballot

May 24, 2018 - The Milwaukee County Board today passed Resolution 18-333 by a 15-1 vote, placing the non-binding referendum on legalizing cannabis before Milwaukee County voters in this fall's general election on Nov. 6. 16th District Supervisor John Weishan Jr., sponsor of the resolution that would place a cannabis legalization advisory referendum on county ballots Nov. 6, 2018, The resolution, sponsored by 16th...


Milwaukee County Board committee OKs pot legalization referendum proposal; sends to full board for vote

May 10, 2018 - The Milwaukee County Board's Judiciary committee this morning voted 5-0 to send a proposal by 16th District Supervisor John Weishan Jr. to put a cannabis legalization advisory referendum on the Nov. 6 ballot. The proposal next goes to the full County Board at its May 24 meeting, where if approved, would place the non-binding referendum before Milwaukee County voters in this fall's general election....


Leah Vukmir tops list of anti-pot Wisconsin lawmakers not returning in 2019

February 10, 2018 - Longtime anti-cannabis zealot State Sen. Leah Vukmir's time at the Wisconsin Capitol is rapidly winding down and the longtime senate health committee chair will soon gavel to a close her final health committee hearing. But despite serving as health committee chair in both the Assembly and Senate, Vukmir steadfastly refused to hold a hearing on medical cannabis legislation despite overwhelming...


Nine Democratic candidates for governor support cannabis legalization at Madison forum

January 29, 2018 - Nine of the 18 Democrats vying for the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin governor appeared at a forum at LaFollette High School in Madison on Sunday, Jan. 28. The event was moderated by Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison), sponsor of 2017 AB482, which would legalize medical and adult use of cannabis in Wisconsin. At around 55 minutes into the hour and a half forum, Rep. Sargent asked the...


Q&A with Scott Olmer, GOP congressional primary challenger to Glenn Grothman

January 13, 2018 - 2018 is an election year with plenty on the line at both the state and national level here in Wisconsin. Cannabadger will be following developments and talking to candidates through the Nov. 6 general election. Offices up for election include Wisconsin governor, attorney general, all 99 state assembly seats, half the state senate seats, one U.S. senate seat and all 8 congressional districts. Map...


Anti-Medical Pot Wisconsin Senator Julie Lassa loses seat

November 9, 2016 - It’s not often I get to write about the defeat of a longtime nemesis of medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin. State Sen. Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point), was defeated by Republican Patrick Testin in the Nov. 8 general election by a 52-48% margin. Testin had expressed support for medical cannabis to voters while campaigning. State Sen. Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point), a longtime nemesis of medical...
