State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) will be speaking about medical cannabis legislation he sponsored at a special event featuring local talent and timely subject matter Dec. 16th at 7pm at the District #1 Old School House in Mt. Horeb. Mineral Point singer-songwriter Rick Harris will kick off the event with a few tunes including his song about medical cannabis, “Legal Medicine Blues,” before Sen. Erpenbach takes the stage. The event is sponsored by the Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP).
Erpenbach, whose district includes Mt. Horeb, will discuss two pieces of medical cannabis legislation he sponsored this session, 2017 Senate Bill 38/Assembly Bill 38,, the Compassionate Cannabis Care Act, along with legislation that would place a statewide advisory referendum on medical cannabis on Nov. 2018 ballots, 2017 Assembly Joint Resolution 7/2017 Senate Joint Resolution 10.
Source: Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP)
Rounding out the evening will be an open mic feature local Mt. Horeb area residents. Whether a song, a poem, a story or a joke, all are invited to spend up to 10 minutes on stage. Individuals or groups can sign up the evening of the event. The open mic format will provide for an interesting evening of variety and a current issue, according to SWWAP.
Below is a clip of Rick Harris, accompanied by Mark Shanahan, performing Legal Medicine Blues Aug. 1, 2015 on the lawn of Mineral Points Opera House/Library/City Hall.
Legal Medicine Blues
Words and Music By Rick Harris
(Copyright 2001-09 Rick Harris)
I take everything they give me
I take all their potions and pills
Now maybe they work – maybe they don’t
Sometimes I get to feelin ill
But I’ve got my own prescription
Gets me through the day with a nod
My doctor’s name is Mercy
My pharmacist’s name is God
I got the when you gonna make
The medicine I take
Legal medicine blues
I thought this was America
Why aren’t I free to choose?
Now don’t you quote the law to me
If you do your gonna lose
I got the when you gonna make
The medicine I take
Legal medicine blues
It grows in the fields and on the farm
It grows in the valleys wide
It grows great out on the fire escape
It grows on the mountainside
Flowers and leaves up to the eaves
Sometimes it helps me see
If nature made it so easy to find
Why can’t you let me be?
Instr Break
Men and women of conscience
I really do need a friend
I never wanted to break the law
But I hurt too bad to pretend
Please listen you law makers
I’m reaching out my hand
You gotta realize you gotta legalize
Everybody say Amen
Chorus X3